Strategies and Policies in Recycling Food Waste: The Intermediary Role of Municipalities

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Food Justice, Food Waste , Recycling , Food Waste Management


“Zero hunger” is always accepted as a vital issue worldwide when considering its importance in sustainable development. Both of Millenium Development Goals and 2030 Sustainable Development Goals focused on reducing hunger and achieving food security in the long term. While policymakers set sustainable food policies and launch alternative programs, food loss and food waste also cause new challenges for food security. Although there are various recycling techniques for food waste, food waste cannot be transformed into a product as valuable as food. Governments supports for recycling food waste and promoting public awareness for reducing food waste. Recycling of food waste goes through food, waste and compost processes. Compost is the process of turning plant and animal foods into organic fertilizer by storing them in a humid oxygen environment with certain methods. It is thought recycling food waste has benefits in terms of zero waste approaches. However, it is more important to create policies that fundamentally prevent food waste. This study aims to explore strategies and polices for reducing food waste and food loss through the link of the intermediary role of municipalities. As it is purposed, this study will review recent and available indicators for food loss and food waste and food waste recycling worldwide. Accordingly, the secondary data will be used and with the help of tables, the importance of food waste management will be examined.  


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How to Cite

Bostancı, S., Vasilev , V., & Yıldırım, S. (2024). Strategies and Policies in Recycling Food Waste: The Intermediary Role of Municipalities. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 3(2), 160–167. Retrieved from