The Importance of Local Products and Women's Cooperatives in Regional Development: TR71 Region


Sustainability , Development , Women's CooperativesAbstract
Balanced development, along with sustainability, has become a necessity in the pursuit of social and economic development. The cooperative model, which has been practiced in Turkey for more than a century, has the main objectives of creating employment, creating products and services, and reintroducing idle resources into the economy. Women's cooperatives have social objectives such as including women in employment, providing them with sustainable income, increasing their skills, socializing and organizing them. Within this framework, the following objectives were qualitatively investigated: the continuation of the production of local products, the reduction of regional push factors that cause internal and external migration, the minimization of the development gap between regions, the contribution of cooperatives to the sustainable development of the geographical region in which they are located, the balanced use of local resources, and the protection of the environment. This study aims to determine the effects of local products and foods in TR 71 region on the economic development and sustainable production of the region through women's cooperatives. In this sense, it is thought that the region will contribute to the literature on the economic and social development potential of the region based on the local.
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