Panel Data Analysis On Product Recycling Relationship On Selected OECD Countries

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Linear Economy, Circular Economy, Recycling, Panel Data


The growth-oriented approach of linear economy has brought environmental problems with it. These problems emerge as climate change, global warming and various environmental problems. In the face of this situation, circular economy has been the focus of attention of researchers as an economic method that tries to ensure economic sustainability with the aim of transforming existing consumption systems into a circular system and uses technology to achieve this. In this study, the econometric analysis of the recycling rate, which is an important component of the circular economy, on 13 selected OECD countries is based on annual values between 2000-2020. The aim of the study is to examine the causality between the recycling rate of household, packaging, plastic, paper, metal, glass, wood, electronic waste and GDP. According to the findings of the study, there is no causality from the selected waste recycling rate variables to GDP. GDP affects wood waste recycling and there is unidirectional causality between them.


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How to Cite

Eroğlu, İlhan, & Yılmaz , D. (2023). Panel Data Analysis On Product Recycling Relationship On Selected OECD Countries. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 2(2), 33–40. Retrieved from