Sustainability and Smart Cities: Linking Renewable Energy with Gender-inclusive Urban Policies

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Renewable energy, Smart Cities, Decarbonization , Gender Equity


Urban economies contribute greatly to global decarbonization because they account for a huge volume of greenhouse gas emissions, and they can drive sustainable energy transition. Smart cities would recognize the way renewables can rely on efficient grids, decentralization, and green infrastructure altogether through digital technologies that uniquely integrate renewable energy systems. There exist obstacles to equitable energy access and workforce inclusion. Gender-responsive policies can ensure inclusive transitions into embedding equity in urban energy planning, diverse workforce participation, and finally integrating underserved communities. Best practices are drawn from Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Fujisawa. The focus will link urban development to global climate goals and transform environmental and economic policies toward social equity for sustainable, inclusive, and resilient cities worldwide.


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How to Cite

Ince Yenilmez, M., & Yenilmez, Özgür. (2025). Sustainability and Smart Cities: Linking Renewable Energy with Gender-inclusive Urban Policies. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 4(1), 80–92. Retrieved from