Preservation of Marine Resources and Sustainable Fisheries: Analyzing the Stochastic Dynamics of Fishing Grounds Footprints in the Nordic Countries

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Environmental Degradation, Sustainable Fisheries, Stochastic Analysis, Nordic Countries



Today's societies have started to focus on a better living environment and the sustainability of these conditions. The seas, which constitute a critical and important pattern of the world ecosystem, constitute the habitat of many species at trophic levels. Any disruption in the ecosystem pattern here can lead to the disruption of the entire ecological balance. For this reason, in addition to primary aquatic environmental degradation factors such as improper fishing methods, poaching, trawling, and overfishing in water areas, larger but secondary factors such as plastic pollution, overconsumption, global warming, industrialization, etc., cause the destruction of biodiversity and the deterioration of the marine ecosystem. SDG14 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), labeled as “life in water,” provides a holistic perspective for the protection of this aquatic ecosystem. The study focuses on FGF per capita as an environmental indicator of the aquatic areas of the Nordic countries, which have an important position in the marine ecosystem and aims to provide insights to policymakers by examining the stochastic behavior of these data. The results of the study make a unique contribution to the literature in terms of showing that countries with similar development levels and geographical areas, such as the Nordic countries, may have different policy preferences at the national level and the effects of this policy.


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How to Cite

Yeter, F., & Ölmez, A. (2024). Preservation of Marine Resources and Sustainable Fisheries: Analyzing the Stochastic Dynamics of Fishing Grounds Footprints in the Nordic Countries. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 3(2), 129–139. Retrieved from