Economic Valuation of Environmental Goods and Services Using Discrete Choice Experiments

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Discrete Choice Experiments, Environmental Valuation , Random Utility Theory, Econometric Models , Environmental Policies


This study focuses on Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs), which are increasingly gaining importance in the field of environmental valuation. DCEs are highlighted as a powerful method for revealing individuals' preferences for non-market environmental goods and services. The study delves into the theoretical foundations of DCEs, particularly Random Utility Theory, and its role in modeling environmental preferences. Additionally, it comprehensively addresses the steps involved in the selection of attributes and levels, experimental design, and data collection processes that must be considered in DCE design. While providing practical guidance on the application of DCEs in environmental valuation, the study also compares this method with other environmental valuation techniques. Furthermore, it emphasizes the econometric models used in DCEs and the advantages they offer. Finally, the study discusses the impact of DCEs on environmental policies and highlights how these methods can serve as valuable tools for decision-makers.


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How to Cite

Ulucak, R. (2024). Economic Valuation of Environmental Goods and Services Using Discrete Choice Experiments. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 3(2), 79–88. Retrieved from