The Impact Of Public Debt On Private Sector Investments: The Case Of Türkiye

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Public debt, Private investment, ARDL, Fourier ADL


This study aims to examine the asymmetric and long-term effects of increasing public debt on private investments in Turkey. It encompasses time series data covering the period from 1975 to 2023. The findings of this study suggest that an increase in public expenditures, leading to a budget deficit and consequently increasing public debt, contributes to a reduction in financial resources available to the private sector. Additionally, it was found that investments in the private sector are crowded out by public debt. In this regard, the findings support the classical theory. The analysis based on Fourier test results supports the Ricardo Equivalence Theorem, which posits that the public sector has no impact on the private sector. In conclusion, it is recommended that public sector financial resources be directed towards development projects, investment in infrastructure, and encouraging greater participation of the private sector in development projects.


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How to Cite

ELACCEN, A. (2024). The Impact Of Public Debt On Private Sector Investments: The Case Of Türkiye. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 3(2), 89–96. Retrieved from