Non-Decent Jobs in the Green and Circular Economy: Findings from Waste Collection and Recovery Activities in Turkiye

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Recycling, Sustainable economic development, Green job, Decent job


This study focuses on working conditions in waste collection and recovery activities which have important roles in the green and circular economy model. In this respect, the present study aims to investigate whether jobs in waste collection and recovery activities are decent jobs in line with the green jobs concept in terms of demographic and work-related contexts, by applying the logistic regression modelling to microdata obtained from the Turkish Household Labour Force Survey. The empirical analysis concludes that employment in waste collection and recovery activities is characterised by gender inequality, lack of safe working environment and social security, difficulties in unionisation, employee poverty, illegal migrant, refugee and child labour.


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How to Cite

Görmüş, A. (2023). Non-Decent Jobs in the Green and Circular Economy: Findings from Waste Collection and Recovery Activities in Turkiye. Journal of Recycling Economy & Sustainability Policy, 2(2), 52–66. Retrieved from