Circular Economy Strategies for Sustainable Waste Management in the Food Industry

Food waste, Composting, Circular economy, Solid waste, Sustainable development goalAbstract
The food industry is a major contributor to the generation of waste and the depletion of natural resources. In order to address these challenges, the circular economy approach offers a promising framework for sustainable waste management in the food industry. This article reviews circular economy strategies, including waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and resource recovery, and explores their potential for reducing environmental impacts and increasing economic benefits in the food industry. The article also discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing circular economy strategies in the food industry, including regulatory barriers, consumer behaviour, and market demand. Finally, the article presents case studies of circular economy initiatives in the food industry, highlighting best practices and lessons learned. Circular economy strategies offer a comprehensive and integrated approach to sustainable waste management in the food industry, and that their successful implementation requires collaboration and innovation across the food value chain.
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