
Call for Papers for a Special Issue


Thematic Title: Innovative Approaches to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Guest Editors:


Dr. Bhabajyoti Saikia
Associate Professor
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Assam down town University, India.

Dr. Samannoy Baruah
Associate Professor
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Assam down town University, India.

Dr. Pramod Kumar
Associate Professor
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Assam down town University, India.






This special issue aims to address the global urgency of sustainability challenges and encourages the exploration of novel and interdisciplinary solutions to meet the SDGs. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit their original research, reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that offer innovative insights and practical solutions to advance the SDGs. By fostering a platform for diverse perspectives and cutting-edge research, this special issue seeks to drive progress in areas critical to sustainable development, such as climate action, resource efficiency, social equity, and economic growth. We are particularly interested in contributions that bridge gaps between theory and practice, propose transformative strategies, and highlight successful implementations of sustainability initiatives. We therefore invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit their original research, reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that offer innovative insights and practical solutions to advance the SDGs.




We welcome submissions that cover, but are not limited to:


  1. Sustainable Development and Circular Economy: Innovative models and practices in recycling, waste management, and resource efficiency.


  • What innovative recycling models have demonstrated significant improvements in resource efficiency and waste reduction within urban environments?
  • How can circular economy principles be integrated into existing waste management systems to enhance sustainability?
  • What role do policy frameworks and regulations play in advancing circular economy practices in different sectors?
  • How can technology and digital transformation drive innovations in recycling and waste management?
  • What are the economic and social implications of transitioning from a linear to a circular economy in terms of job creation, community engagement, and economic growth?


  1. Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability: Strategies to mitigate climate change, renewable energy solutions, and conservation efforts.


  • What are the most effective strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in various industries?
  • How can renewable energy technologies be scaled to meet global energy demands sustainably?
  • What conservation efforts have proven successful in preserving biodiversity and natural habitats?
  • How can communities and local governments be empowered to take climate action?
  • What are the potential economic benefits of investing in climate resilience and sustainable infrastructure?


  1. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security: Advances in sustainable farming, food systems, and agricultural technologies.


  • How can sustainable farming practices be implemented to enhance food security in developing regions?
  • What are the latest technological advancements in agriculture that contribute to sustainability?
  • How can supply chains be optimized to reduce food waste and increase efficiency?
  • What policies and incentives can promote sustainable agricultural practices among farmers?
  • How can community-based approaches improve food systems and ensure equitable access to nutritious food?


  1. Sustainable Urbanization and Infrastructure: Smart cities, sustainable transportation, and infrastructure development.


  • What are the key components of a smart city that contribute to sustainability?
  • How can urban planning integrate green spaces and sustainable infrastructure to enhance quality of life?
  • What innovations in sustainable transportation can reduce urban carbon footprints?
  • How can cities retrofit existing infrastructure to become more sustainable and resilient?
  • What role do public-private partnerships play in advancing sustainable urbanization projects?


  1. Health and Well-being: Innovations in public health, healthcare systems, and well-being initiatives.


  • What are the most promising innovations in public health that can improve community health outcomes?
  • How can healthcare systems be made more sustainable and resilient to future challenges?
  • What initiatives have proven effective in promoting mental health and well-being in various populations?
  • How can technology be leveraged to enhance healthcare delivery and access in remote or underserved areas?
  • What policies can support the integration of health and well-being considerations into broader sustainability efforts?


  1. Education for Sustainable Development: Approaches to integrate sustainability into educational systems and curricula.


  • What are the best practices for integrating sustainability into primary, secondary, and higher education curricula?
  • How can educators be trained and supported to effectively teach sustainability concepts?
  • What role do extracurricular programs and community initiatives play in promoting sustainability education?
  • How can technology and digital learning platforms enhance sustainability education?
  • What impact does sustainability education have on student behavior and community engagement?


  1. Economic Growth and Employment: Sustainable business practices, green jobs, and economic policies promoting sustainability.


  • What are the key drivers of green job creation in different sectors?
  • How can businesses transition to more sustainable practices while maintaining profitability?
  • What economic policies have successfully promoted sustainability and what lessons can be learned from them?
  • How can public-private partnerships foster innovation and growth in the green economy?
  • What role do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play in advancing sustainable economic growth?


  1. Partnerships for the Goals: Collaborative efforts and partnerships to achieve the SDGs.


  • What are the most effective models for multi-stakeholder partnerships in achieving the SDGs?
  • How can international collaborations enhance the impact of local sustainability initiatives?
  • What role do public-private partnerships play in advancing global sustainability goals?
  • How can community-based organizations and local governments work together to achieve the SDGs?
  • What are the key challenges and success factors in building and maintaining effective sustainability partnerships?




Abstract Submission Deadline: September 15, 2024

Full Article Submission Deadline: October 1, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: November 1, 2024

Expected Publication: January, 2025


Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission system. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process to ensure the highest quality of academic contribution. Detailed manuscript preparation and submission instructions can be found on the journal's website.


Contact Information:

For any inquiries or further information, please contact the Guest Editor at saikia.bhabajyoti@gmail.com


We look forward to receiving your contributions and to advancing the discourse on innovative solutions for sustainable development.